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Rio de Janeiro; s.n; 2023. 122 p. ilus, tab.
Tese em Português | BBO - Odontologia | ID: biblio-1531640


Esta tese é composta por 5 artigos científicos e 1 produto técnico. O primeiro artigo científico, é uma revisão sistemática sobre a eficácia de tratamentos para alívio dos sinais e sintomas da erupção de dentes decíduos. Foram incluídos estudos clínicos que avaliaram o efeito de qualquer intervenção para aliviar os sinais e sintomas associados à dentição em bebês e crianças. O risco de viés foi avaliado usando as ferramentas ROB-2 e ROBINS-I. Foram selecionados 5 artigos, classificados como alto ou grave risco de viés respectivamente. Três estudos usando homeopatia relataram melhora nos distúrbios do apetite, desconforto nas gengivas e excesso de salivação. Um estudo mostrou que um novo gel com ácido hialurônico foi mais eficaz do que um gel anestésico na melhora de sinais e sintomas como dor, vermelhidão gengival e má qualidade do sono. Outro estudo selecionado aplicou tratamentos não farmacológicos, que se mostraram mais eficazes, principalmente contra o excesso de salivação. O segundo artigo avaliou as práticas clínicas adotadas por odontopediatras (OPs) frente aos sinais e sintomas da erupção dos dentes decíduos e a influência do tempo de formado e de especialista no autorrelato (AR) de segurança na adoção de tais medidas. Aplicou-se um questionário online aos OPs. Coletaram-se dados sobre tipo de prática, relato de eficácia, fonte de conhecimento sobre o tema, segurança na prática adotada, tempo de formado e tempo de especialista. Realizaram-se análises descritivas e inferenciais (teste X2, α=0,05). Foram 451 respondentes. Mordedores gelados (96,8%); alimentos congelados (69,1%) e massagem digital (58,3%) foram os mais prescritos e considerados eficazes (78,2%, 30,3% e 28,8%, respectivamente). Livros de odontopediatria (58,9%), curso/congresso (56,3%) e experiência profissional (40,7%) foram as fontes de conhecimento mais citadas. O tempo médio de formado dos OPs foi 18,4±11,3 anos, sendo 13,1±11,0 anos de especialista. A maioria sente-se seguro (79,6%) no tratamento dos sinais e sintomas da erupção dentária, mas 93,1% sentem falta de estudos científicos sobre o tema. O tempo de formado (p=0,12) e o de especialista (p=0,90) não influenciaram no AR de segurança na prática adotada. O terceiro artigo analisou a composição molecular de uma amostra de âmbar báltico, verificou-se a presença ou ausência de compostos benéficos à saúde humana e discutiu o potencial terapêutico dessa resina fóssil. Para isso, foi realizada uma análise qualitativa por cromatografia gasosa acoplada à espectrometria de massas (sistema GC-MS), que é capaz de realizar uma separação automatizada em componentes individuais do âmbar. As amostras eram compostas por terpenos e terpenóides: monoterpenóides; sesquiterpenóides; diterpenóides; hidronaftaleno; ácido succínico e ácido isopimárico. Estes componentes têm potencial terapêutico para várias doenças; inibem várias fases do processo inflamatório e tem efeitos analgésicos. No quarto artigo analisouse e avaliou-se a qualidade, confiabilidade e visualizações dos vídeos disponibilizados no Youtube® como fonte de informação, relacionados ao uso terapêutico do colar de âmbar para bebês durante o período de erupção dentária. Uma busca no YouTube®, foi realizada no dia 23 de agosto de 2022. O termo escolhido para a busca foi "colar de âmbar para bebê" no site Google Trends®. Como critério de inclusão, os vídeos deveriam conter informações sobre o uso do colar de âmbar como terapia para diminuir os sintomas da erupção dentária em bebês. Os vídeos foram analisados quanto à confiabilidade das informações, com base em uma escala de 5 pontos, adaptada da ferramenta DISCERN, e quanto à qualidade com a ferramenta Global Quality Score (GQS), que varia de 1- má qualidade a 5- excelente qualidade. Foram encontrados 22 vídeos com o termo de busca, dos quais 15 foram selecionados. A frequência de qualidade GQS "1" foi a mais alta e observou-se que houve diferença de qualidade entre as origens dos vídeos (p<0,05). As fontes provenientes de jornais e profissionais de saúde foram iguais e melhores (p=0,002) na escala de confiabilidade, quando comparadas aos outros grupos como Opiniões e Fontes de marketing. No quinto artigo objetivou-se identificar os possíveis benefícios da resina de âmbar na sintomatologia da fase de erupção dentária dos bebês, através de um estudo clínico preliminar observacional. Foram incluídos bebês de ambos os gêneros, com idade entre 8 e 36 meses que já tivessem pelo menos um dente da dentição primária em erupção. A amostra foi composta por 3 grupos: 1. Grupo que não usou nenhum tratamento (controle); 2. Grupo que usou a pulseira placebo e 3. Grupo que usou a pulseira de âmbar. Os sintomas da dentição mais frequentes na linha de base (t1) foram coceira, inchaço e irritação; após o tratamento foram os mesmos, acrescido de vermelhidão. Houve diferenças de frequência, com diminuição dos sintomas, entre os grupos, para as manifestações clínicas irritação e coceira. A segunda etapa consistiu na criação de um vídeo, na plataforma de criação de vídeos PowToon®, informativo para os responsáveis, sobre a fase de erupção dentária. No vídeo procurou-se abordar sobre a sequência comum de erupção dentária, os principais sinais e sintomas e possíveis tratamentos não farmacológicos para alívio dessa fase que gera muitas dúvidas nos responsáveis. Pode-se concluir com os estudos que algumas terapias não farmacológicas podem ter um efeito favorável sobre os sinais e sintomas relacionados à dentição. No entanto, conclusões definitivas sobre sua eficácia não podem ser tiradas, devido à certeza muito baixa das evidências. Pesquisas primárias, intervencionais sobre o assunto são escassas, heterogêneas e tem falhas metodológicas; a prescrição de tratamentos não farmacológicos para a dentição decídua é uma prática comum entre os odontopediatras, e seu auto relato de segurança no uso de tais medidas não está associada ao tempo decorrido após a graduação e especialização; o âmbar da amostra testada no terceiro estudo, é formado por terpenos e terpenóides, substâncias com propriedades anti-inflamatórias e analgésicas. Entretanto, é necessário um estudo aprofundado sobre a liberação e absorção de substâncias na pele humana, ou seja, atentar a sua real eficácia; Vídeos assistidos através da plataforma do YouTube®, ainda que postados por profissionais e veículos de comunicação, não possuem embasamento científico suficiente sobre o assunto quando se fala sobre o âmbar e seu uso para saúde, o que implica baixa confiabilidade e segurança da informação. Nesse sentido, estudos clínicos controlados, com maior número de participantes, sobre os reais benefícios do uso da resina de âmbar para bebês no período de erupção dentária, são fundamentais e devem ser realizados, a fim de consolidar as evidências sobre o assunto e reais benefícios para a saúde. Da mesma forma que o vídeo criado serve como informação aos pais sobre a fase de erupção dentária, e que foi baseado no que foi encontrado em evidências científicas. Após a realização da presente tese, observou-se que não existem muitos estudos que abordem sobre os tratamentos mais eficazes para essa fase na vida do bebê. (AU)

This thesis is composed of 5 scientific articles and 1 technical product. The first scientific article is a systematic review on the effectiveness of treatments to relieve the signs and symptoms of eruption of deciduous teeth. Clinical trials evaluating the effect of any intervention to alleviate signs and symptoms associated with teething in infants and children were included. The risk of bias was assessed using the ROB-2 and ROBINS-I tools. Five articles were selected, classified as high or severe risk of bias. Three studies using homeopathy reported improvement in appetite disorders, gum discomfort and excess salivation. One study showed that a new gel with hyaluronic acid was more effective than an anesthetic gel in improving signs and symptoms such as pain, gum redness and poor sleep quality. Another selected study applied nonpharmacological treatments, which proved to be more effective, especially against excess salivation. The second article evaluated the clinical practices adopted by pediatric dentists (POs) in view of the signs and symptoms of eruption of deciduous teeth and the influence of time since graduation and specialist in the self-report (AR) of safety in the adoption of such measures. An online questionnaire was applied to the OPs. Data were collected on the type of practice, effectiveness report, source of knowledge on the subject, safety in the adopted practice, time since graduation and time as a specialist. Descriptive and inferential analyzes were performed (X2 test, α=0.05). There were 451 respondents. iced teethers (96.8%); frozen foods (69.1%) and digital massage (58.3%) were the most prescribed and considered effective (78.2%, 30.3% and 28.8%, respectively). Pediatric dentistry books (58.9%), course/conference (56.3%) and professional experience (40.7%) were the most cited sources of knowledge. The average time since graduation of OPs was 18.4±11.3 years, with 13.1±11.0 years as a specialist. Most feel confident (79.6%) in treating the signs and symptoms of tooth eruption, but 93.1% feel that there is a lack of scientific studies on the subject. Time since graduation (p=0.12) and specialist time (p=0.90) did not influence the AR of safety in the adopted practice. The third article analyzed the molecular composition of a sample of Baltic amber, verified the presence or absence of compounds beneficial to human health and discussed the therapeutic potential of this fossil resin. For this, a qualitative analysis was carried out by gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (GC-MS system), which can perform an automated separation into individual amber components. The samples were composed of terpenes and terpenoids: monoterpenoids; sesquiterpenoids; diterpenoids; hydronaphthalene; succinic acid and isopimaric acid. These components have therapeutic potential for various diseases; inhibit various phases of the inflammatory process and have analgesic effects. The fourth article analyzed and evaluated the quality, reliability and views of the videos available on YouTube® as a source of information, related to the therapeutic use of the amber necklace for babies during the period of tooth eruption. A search on YouTube® was performed on August 23, 2022. The term chosen for the search was "baby amber necklace" on the Google Trends® website. As an inclusion criterion, the videos should contain information about the use of the amber necklace as a therapy to reduce the symptoms of tooth eruption in babies. The videos were analyzed for the reliability of the information, based on a 5-point scale, adapted from the DISCERN tool, and for quality with the Global Quality Score (GQS) tool, which ranges from 1-poor quality to 5-excellent quality. 22 videos were found with the search term, of which 15 were selected. The GQS quality frequency "1" was the highest and it was observed that there was a difference in quality between the origins of the videos (p<0.05). Sources from newspapers and health professionals were equal and better (p=0.002) on the reliability scale, when compared to other groups such as Opinions and Marketing sources. The fifth article aimed to identify the possible benefits of amber resin in the symptomatology of the tooth eruption phase of babies, through a preliminary observational study. Infants of both genders, aged between 8 and 36 months, who already had at least one erupting primary dentition tooth, were included. The sample consisted of 3 groups: 1. Group that did not use any treatment (control); 2. Group that used the placebo bracelet and 3. Group that used the amber bracelet. The most frequent dentition symptoms at baseline (t1) were itching, swelling and irritation; after treatment they were the same, plus redness. There were differences in frequency, with a decrease in symptoms, between the groups, for the clinical manifestations of irritation and itching. The second stage consisted of creating a video, on the PowToon® video creation platform, informative for those responsible, about the tooth eruption phase. In the video, an attempt was made to address the common sequence of tooth eruption, the main signs and symptoms and possible nonpharmacological treatments to alleviate this phase, which raises many doubts in those responsible. It can be concluded from the studies that some non-pharmacological therapies can have a favorable effect on signs and symptoms related to dentition. However, definitive conclusions about its effectiveness cannot be drawn, due to the very low certainty of the evidence. Primary, interventional research on the subject is scarce, heterogeneous and has methodological flaws; the prescription of nonpharmacological treatments for the primary dentition is a common practice among pediatric dentists, and their self-reported safety in the use of such measures is not associated with the time elapsed after graduation and specialization; the amber of the sample tested in the third study is formed by terpenes and terpenoids, substances with anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. However, an in-depth study on the release and absorption of substances in human skin is necessary, that is, paying attention to their real effectiveness; Videos watched through the Youtube® platform, even if posted by professionals and communication vehicles, do not have sufficient scientific basis on the subject when talking about amber and its use for health, which implies low reliability and information security. In this sense, controlled clinical studies, with a larger number of participants, on the real benefits of using amber resin for babies in the period of tooth eruption, are fundamental and must be carried out, in order to consolidate the evidence on the subject and real benefits for health. In the same way that the video created serves as information to parents about the stage of tooth eruption, and which was based on what was found in scientific evidence. After carrying out this thesis, it was observed that there are not many studies that address the most effective treatments for this phase in the baby's life. (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Lactente , Pré-Escolar , Dor/prevenção & controle , Âmbar/uso terapêutico , Sinais e Sintomas , Rede Social
Rev Paul Pediatr ; 40: e2020412, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês, Português | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35648980


OBJECTIVE: Based on scientific evidence, the objective of the present study is to report the possible risks and benefits of the amber teething necklace for children who use it. DATA SOURCE: This is an integrative literature review, carried out based on the following guiding question: "Does the amber teething necklace have therapeutic properties that justify its usage during tooth eruption?". The consulted databases were LILACS (Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences Literature) and PubMed (National Center for Biotechnology Information), with the following descriptors: "Amber," "Deciduous teeth," "Strangulation," and "Local symptoms." DATA SYNTHESIS: A total of five scientific articles were selected, which indicates an insufficient basis regarding the benefits associated with the use of the amber teething necklace. Conversely, there is a convergence regarding the possibility of health risks such as strangulation, asphyxiation, and swallowing of beads. CONCLUSIONS: Health professionals should discourage the use of the amber teething necklace by children insofar more studies on the topic are carried out.

Âmbar , Erupção Dentária , Âmbar/uso terapêutico , Criança , Família , Humanos
BMC Complement Altern Med ; 19(1): 162, 2019 Jul 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31277614


BACKGROUND: Baltic amber teething necklaces have been popularized as a safe and natural alternative to conventional or pharmacological medicines for the management of teething pain. However, claims made by retailers regarding the efficacy and mechanism of action of these necklaces lack scientific or clinical basis. The claim most closely resembling science is the assertion that succinic acid will leach out of the beads and through the skin of the wearer and carry out anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. The objective of the current research is to scientifically assess this claim. METHODS: Beads from necklaces were powdered for identification by infrared spectroscopy, and dissolved in sulfuric acid for quantification of succinic acid using HPLC. Succinic acid release from beads was assessed by long-term submersion of amber beads (separated according to light, medium and dark brown colour) in solvents relevant to human skin conditions. The potential for succinic acid to have anti-inflammatory effects was assessed by measuring the release of inflammatory cytokines IL-1α, IL-1ß, IL-8 and TNFα, and the inflammatory messenger PGE2, from THP-1 human macrophages after treatment with succinic acid and LPS. RESULTS: Amber teething necklaces were positively identified as Baltic amber, by comparison of the beads' infrared spectrum to the literature, and by their succinic acid content (1.5 mg per bead; 1.44% w/w). However, whole amber beads submerged in octanol or pH 5.5 phosphate buffered saline did not release any measurable succinic acid, except for the light-coloured beads in octanol which broke into tiny fragments. Additionally, treatment of macrophages with succinic acid did not reduce the release of any inflammatory cytokines measured, and displayed toxicity to the cells at high concentrations. CONCLUSIONS: While amber teething necklaces are genuine Baltic amber, we have found no evidence to suggest that the purported active ingredient succinic acid could be released from the beads into human skin. Additionally, we found no evidence to suggest that succinic acid has anti-inflammatory properties.

Âmbar/uso terapêutico , Anti-Inflamatórios/análise , Ácido Succínico/análise , Âmbar/química , Temperatura Corporal , Humanos , Erupção Dentária
CJEM ; 19(5): 400-403, 2017 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27503268


Amber teething necklaces supposedly provide analgesia for teething infants. Their use is becoming more widespread, despite lack of peer-reviewed evidence and warnings from Health Canada that they pose a strangulation and aspiration risk. To date, there have been no published reports of strangulation secondary to amber teething necklaces. In this report we present a case of non-fatal infant strangulation from the first time use of an amber teething necklace. We will also discuss the role of physicians as advocates in reporting similar cases and educating families. Finally, we will comment on the responsibility of all professionals and professional organizations that work with infants and toddlers to advocate for children by raising concerns and counselling parents.

Âmbar/uso terapêutico , Asfixia/etiologia , Dor/prevenção & controle , Erupção Dentária , Acidentes Domésticos , Âmbar/efeitos adversos , Asfixia/fisiopatologia , Serviço Hospitalar de Emergência , Seguimentos , Humanos , Lactente , Equipamentos para Lactente/efeitos adversos , Masculino , Medição de Risco
Acta Med Hist Adriat ; 13(1): 41-74, 2015.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26203539


The organic mineraloid gemstone, amber, a fossilized resin collected from Eocene deposits laid down around 44 million years old on the Baltic coast, has been an important geopharmaceutical in the western materia medica since classical times. Once rendered into powdered form, it could be delivered into the body using a wide range of vehicles including lozenges, pills, tablets, troches, electuaries, solutions and lohochs (lick-pots), and with toast and poached eggs. Acting either alone or in combination with a wide range of botanical, zoological and other geological ingredients, it was employed in the treatment of a huge range of diseases. Most prominent among these were various vascular disorders (e.g. haemoptysis, haemorrhage, excessive menstrual bleeding), problems with the urogenital system (e.g. tendency towards miscarriage, impotence, venereal diseases, strangury, dysuria and bladder stones) and alimentary conditions, particularly dysentery. A variety of infectious diseases, including plague, gonorrhoea, measles and fevers could be targeted with amber-containing preparations, as could epilepsy, melancholy and the ravages of old age. Rather more unusual applications included its use in the treatment of impotence, halitosis, drunkenness and a weak back.

Âmbar/história , Âmbar/uso terapêutico , Doença , Fósseis , História Antiga , História Medieval , Humanos , Terapêutica/história
Indian J Physiol Pharmacol ; 48(3): 343-7, 2004 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15648407


The present work has been undertaken to study the effect of ambrex, a polyherbal formulation on experimental gastric ulceration and their possible antioxidative mechanism to cure ulcer. Gastric mucosal damage was produced in rats by administering 200 mg/kg orally. Aspirin was found to cause severe haemorrhagic lesions mainly through oxidative damage of the mucosa as indicated by increased lipid peroxidation, conjugated diene, protein carbonyl content, decreased levels of antioxidant defense enzymes and alteration in the lipid levels. This damage was treated with the aqueous extract of ambrex (40 mg/kg) for 15 days orally. Pre-administration of ambrex at a dose of 40 mg/kg, decreased the ulcer index, lipid peroxidation, conjugated diene and protein carbonyl content and increased the antioxidant enzyme levels. The lipid levels were maintained at near normalcy when treated with ambrex in aspirin administered rats. The major mechanism involved appears due to free radical scavenging action and changes in lipid profile.

Âmbar/uso terapêutico , Antioxidantes/metabolismo , Antioxidantes/uso terapêutico , Mucosa Gástrica/metabolismo , Plantas Medicinais , Úlcera Gástrica/metabolismo , Animais , Aspirina/toxicidade , Mucosa Gástrica/efeitos dos fármacos , Masculino , Ratos , Úlcera Gástrica/induzido quimicamente , Úlcera Gástrica/tratamento farmacológico